Who Can Refer?




The clinic takes referrals from a wide selection of sources and includes some of the following:

Self referrals

Patients are able to contact the clinic directly, without having to go through a medical practitioner, to seek physiotherapy evaluation and treatment.

This is often preferred by a good number of patients since it means they can access physiotherapy quickly without having to wait to see other medical personnel first.

Obviously if our physiotherapist felt, after your examination, that it was important for you to discuss things with a doctor or consultant, you would be advised on the best way to do this accordingly.

GP referrals

The clinic has several existing NHS contracts with local GP surgeries. Referral is made directly to the clinic after your GP has determined that physiotherapy is appropriate.

The course of treatment will be funded by the local primary care trust in this case. A discharge report will be sent back to your GP on completion of your treatment. GP’s also refer patients for private physiotherapy where they have limited access to NHS funding.

Consultant referrals

A number of specialist orthopaedic consultants refer their private patients for physiotherapy after determining their needs. This applies to patients where non surgical intervention has been decided on as the best course of action, as well as treatment post operatively for those where surgery has been deemed necessary. Examples of this include rehabilitation following cartilage removal/trimming, spinal surgery, joint replacements or ligament reconstructions. Referrals are also commonly made following fractures and dislocations after an initial period of immobilisation.

Sports clubs

APSIC has established relationships with local amateur sports clubs and takes referrals from numerous sporting and recreational sources including:

Football clubs

Rugby clubs

Athletics/running clubs

Dance schools

Tennis clubs

Hockey teams

Netball teams

Swimming clubs

Golf clubs

Fitness centres and gyms

Occupational health referrals

We have numerous close links with local industry and their occupational health advisors will refer patients to our clinic for physiotherapy if they identify that they are having difficulties at work.

This generally works very well for the companies involved since they can often reduce absence from work, and keep people at work on modified duties as advised by our physiotherapists.

Rapid access to physiotherapy is a big advantage for employees of these companies since normally they would be expected to wait on the NHS waiting lists.

Again, feedback reports will be sent to the relevant occupational health departments after initial evaluation and on completion of the patient’s course of treatment.

We will also relay any concerns over the patients role at work and ask for modifications should this be necessary.

Insurance companies

A number of insurance companies use our facilities to provide treatment for their clients, who have been involved in litigation following road traffic accidents, injuries at work or when a third party is at fault for the injuries sustained.

In cases such as these the funding for treatment is usually claimed through the insurance company.

In some instances purely an evaluation is requested by the insurance company. In others, an assessment followed by a course of treatment would be expected, once this has been identified as being likely to be beneficial by the physiotherapy evaluation.


About The Clinic

Who Can Refer?

Conditions Treated

Techniques Available

Specialist Areas

Complementary Therapy

Patients Comments

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